Saue gains advantage through quality and cooperation

Tens of thousands of litres of paint per year, hundreds of customer contacts and a continuous flow of customer audits. Work days are busy and varied at the surface treatment facility in Saue, Estonia. A cooperative outlook helps succeed in both the painting shop and customer work.

FSP’s surface treatment facility in Saue is located a short drive away from capital Tallinn.

 – We have around around dozen employees, dozens of customers and a lots of different services on offer, says Matis Jürgenson, head of the Saue unit.

On his computer screen there’s a list of Estonian companies, hundreds of rows long.

 – I am systematically going through this list and calling potential customers daily. My work consists of sales, offer calculation and every day management of Estonian units, Jürgenson says.

First impression counts

There is a lot of work to be done as the Saue unit is growing steadily. The unit currently has more than ten large customers. The paint shop is processing a range of workpieces of different sizes with several different coating systems.

– We are prepared to expand our services, tailoring them to customer needs, Matis Jürgenson explains. – We are currently developing our operations to increase painting capacity and enable the handling of larger workpieces in the future.

He admits that it is difficult to get new customers in Estonia.

– It is not so much about competition in the industry, but rather that many potential customers want to do their surface treatment internally.

New customers are won over with high quality and cooperation.

– We are constantly searching for new information about materials and methods, Jürgenson says. – My passion is to really help our customers, which often means examining their entire production process. Through cooperation, we are able to make changes that save time and money but still lead to better end results.

FSP has a good and reliable reputation in Estonia. Mats Jürgenson stresses that high quality must be visible right at the facility door.

– Every week we get customers visiting our premises or auditing our work, often at a short notice. It is crucial that the facilities are tidy and everything is well documented, Jürgenson says. – We perform inspections and maintenance on our machinery quarterly with a specialist company. Our customers demand that all work is done with high quality, adhering to safety standards, and also heeding the