The pasila station area in Helsinki is known as a busy spot: there is tram and car traffic as well as pedestrian traffic to trains, the mall of Tripla and the Pasila office centre to name a few locations. In such a place, executing a complete repair of a bridge is no simple task. Despite the bustle, the renovation of Pasila’s Opastinsilta bridge has proceeded well. In the project, FSP is responsible for the treatment of metal surfaces.
There is a lot going on at the construction site of Pasila’s Opastinsilta bridge, in Helsinki. Renovation of an entire bridge requires numerous work phases. The metal frame structures are grinded and painted, floors and floor coatings are renewed. The roof andceilings are renewed, as well as the entire lighting.
In the Opastinsilta repair project, FSP is a subcontractor responsible for treating the metal surfaces.
– FSP was chosen when we heard that they had previously worked on this site, back in 2003, says Heikki Taskinen from VRJ Group. He continues with complements.
– With FSP, things have worked out very smoothly. They have been flexible on multipleoccasions, driving things forward with good cooperation.
FSP executed perhaps the most challenging part of the project – grinding and coating of the supporting metal structure.
– With our own support functions, VRJ has only secured that FSP has been able to perform the sanding and coating work in a place with constant tram traffic, Taskinen says, referring to the bustling traffic hub.